☽ who am i ☾

hello there! name's cornsnake, pleased to meet ya

Things i do

- history of mesoamerica, sometimes chinggisid mongolia & even fewer times of the americas arctic
-- historical cartography, i.e. maps
- language stuffs
- (ethno)ecology & related activism
- websites like this one! many elements were straight-up ripped from Nintendos TotK page, but I was the one to make this whole ordeal with those pieces
- occasional drawingment
- writing in general

as to my *ground, i'm hñötho, what wikipedia and the gov't call otomi along with our numerous sibling nations; thus was borne mine interest in such above topics, with the exception of coding — that one just came one day.

Lightning round!

- gray-ish aroacesomewhat gay in practice triflux what three? by order of discovery, masc-enby-fem
- GERD, GAD, Dysthymia, some kind of neurodivergency.
- y'may also sometimes see me as cypress and/or pineconeetc


WillWon't - dunk on spane- do commissions -dunk on the etetlno, they weren't 'aztecs' by then - praise the moon - praise the sun